seraching downloads

For everybody who can't speak Bulgarian language

seraching downloads

Мнениеот pinij » 05 Дек 2010, 10:57


First and most let me compliment you on an excellent trains-website!
Very nice content and nice look-and-feel to the entire site. Very well done.

I, however, have one question. Would it be possible to make the release-date a search-argument for the downloads. Or have a clickable roundup for the new content of say the last 2 weeks or so.
That way one can easily trace the new content and doesn't have to page through the entire site when looking for something new.

with regards,

Мнения: 2
Регистриран на: 26 Ное 2010, 13:18

Re: seraching downloads

Мнениеот tedo21 » 05 Дек 2010, 12:00

Hello welcome to our forums. Thank you for your compliments. About the new stuff. When we upload something new on our site we usually post a message on the main page of the site with a screenshot. The site also has a RSS feed option, from which you can track new uploaded locomotives, wagons and objects. If you have a RSS reader you can track the site from there. I usually use RSS from my phone, or my RSS gadget on my Windows sidebar. If you have any other suggestions we will be happy to hear them. :)
Мнения: 1140
Регистриран на: 26 Сеп 2009, 16:43

Re: seraching downloads

Мнениеот pinij » 05 Дек 2010, 12:38

thx for the quick response!

I will look into the RSS, I think it just might work!


Мнения: 2
Регистриран на: 26 Ное 2010, 13:18

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