Hello and a Happy new year Sarandi !
First of all,thank you ! The prices are different from series to series :
DWA series : 2.5euro/piece for compartment cars and 3euro/piece sleeping cars
IVA/Pafawag "Bonanza" series : 2euro/piece
IVA and Wlabmh174/175 series : 1.5euro/piece
MAV passanger cars : 1.5/2euro for a piece
Locomotives : 2euro/piece
Untill 5.01.2015 we have a -50% discount that applies for all passanger cars(except the 71-70 series).
Also,new modernised sleeping cars series 71-70 now available on our site !
A new pack for the 19/21/71-70 cars is also now available.
For more details,visit our site at